“For fast acting relief, try slowing down.” ~ Lily Tomlin
Everyone hates needles, and we know that
There is no surprise that you don’t like getting injections (or shots) at the dentist. We all are aware that it is probably one of the biggest triggers for you at the dentist! Here are a few tips for making this process much easier to deal with if you have an appointment where you know you will need to get numb for the procedure.
Trust should be established before an injection is performed.
See the previous post on questions you should ask your dentist! [LINK TO THIS POST]. Then:
Explain your triggers
Opening up a conversation about any bad past experiences is crucial to having an easy visit. By doing this with a provider who is sensitive to dentally anxious patients, there are a lot of “tricks” we are able to use to overcome a sometimes painful administration of local anesthesia (a.k.a., getting a shot).
Mindful breathing
Mindful breathing has been immensely helpful while I worked with patients chair-side throughout my career. The principles may seem very basic, but in reality it gives you something to focus on other than pain. Additionally, slow deep breathes have a helpful physiologic response during this procedure. I have learned to coach my patients chair-side for every single injection on mindful breathing techniques and I am then able to time my injection at the easiest moment for my patient.
For a quick mindful breathing exercise, see the video below:
Dr. Jeffrey E. Greenberg DMD
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