Dr. G’s High Level Dentistry Series: Are you breaking your own teeth without realizing it?

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Dentist Cambridge

If you regularly wake up with headaches, a sore neck, or a sore jaw it could be related to grinding/clenching.

There are 5 main muscles associated with clenching and grinding.  These muscles, like any muscles in the body, can tense up and develop “knots” in similar ways that people’s shoulders and back develop these.  During a TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) screening, us dentists evaluate these areas as well as any jaw abnormalities.

Almost 90% of my patients experience mild/moderate TMJ issues at some point in their life and for the majority of them I recommend an over the counter nightguard (once I have confirmed via a TMJ screening).

BUT at what point does this need further customized care?

If you have experienced crowns breaking, fillings cracking, or your front teeth getting shorter as you age, it’s a good indication that you need a TMJ screening to prevent damage to your teeth.  Additionally, there are even patients that have their jaw lock in in open or closed position for some amount of time.  This also is a good indication that a bigger problem may occur.

The good news though is that once we have found the cause of this problem, there are simple preventative measures we can do to ensure this ends the downward cycle. 

Stop by our office today for a no charge TMJ assessment to stop the cavity development in its tracks.  

Dr. Jeffrey E. Greenberg DMD







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Cambridge, MA Dentist

763 Massachusetts Ave., Suite 1, Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: (617) 945-1974

Email: Hello@SweetSpotDental.com

Monday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: By appointment only.

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